Did you know???

“40-50% of former foster care youth become homeless within 18 months after leaving care.”



Did you know?

Here are more alarming statistics about teens that age out of the foster care system that you probably did not know or were aware of.

  • The numbers

    5411 children entered VA’s foster care system since January 2021.

  • Pregnancy

    71% Of Young Women will Be Pregnant By Age 21 .

  • Unemployment

    50% Are Unemployed By The Age Of 21.

  • Incarceration

    “25% of foster kids will be incarcerated within 2 years of aging out.”


  • Sex Trafficking

    “60% of child sex trafficking victims have been within foster care.”

    -National Foster Youth Institute

  • Substance Abuse

    “45% of foster care youth reported using alcohol or illicit drugs within the last 6 months.”


“Our goal is to be a voice for foster youth that transition into adulthood without solid family structure and support.”

- Yvonne Marbury, Vice President

Exciting news!!!

Yoga will be added to our Summer Camp thanks to our friend, Brandi Bovell, of Old Mechanicsville Health Spa LLC!!